
O首席信息官超越资产管理 & 伙伴心态

作为每个客户的共同受托人, 安吉利斯是一个真正的伙伴, aligned in overseeing their investment program and providing support beyond simply managing assets.

  • 提供全方位服务 & 资源充足的投资办事处

    天使将提供深度, 上下文, 资源, and perspective through access to a highly collaborative and engaging team, 包括领导, 首席信息官, 研究, 操作, 和报告.

  • 很容易地 & 经验丰富的服务团队

    Support from seasoned professionals, averaging 25+ years of industry and non-profit experience.

  • 治理

    Angeles acts as a fiduciary and we are compensated only by our clients.

    We Strengthen Fiduciary Oversight by establishing a prudent governance structure, 概述各方的角色和责任, which lays the foundation for an efficient decision-making framework.

  • 广泛的机构经验,专注于非营利组织

    Most of Angeles' clients are non-profit, mission-driven organizations.

    Deep experience working with and supporting Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution plans.

  • 投资服务 & 解决方案

    Custom Investment 解决方案 allow Angeles to meet our clients where they are
  • 解的范围

    我们提供全面的投资组合管理, as well as focused solutions that can bring targeted exposure to an overall portfolio.


    Angeles提供了全方位的合作, depending on what makes sense for each client and their governing structure.




  • 大型办公大楼

    An experienced and highly skilled team following a disciplined, rigorous investment process can identify and capture market opportunities.

  • 头部的侧面,里面有灯泡

    Market conditions are dynamic, requiring adept managers to exploit inefficiencies.

  • 图表以美元符号呈现上升趋势

    Portfolios must be structured with high conviction ideas to earn excess returns.

  • 有柱的罗马建筑

    The most attractive investments are scarce and capacity-constrained.



  • 带有图表、数据和放大镜的纸张


  • 纸夹

    Taking an innovative investment approach that is required to achieve our clients' goals;

  • 棋子的游戏计划

    Translating high-conviction views into dynamic portfolios; and

  • 两个人在握手

    Building a diverse, collaborative organization that facilitates agile actions.

We believe these sustainable competitive advantages accrue to the benefit of our clients and their mission.


  • 用图表、百分比和美元符号分割饼

    Creates the opportunity to deliver out大小d returns relative to public markets given the long-term perspective, 有限的流动性状况, 统一收费结构, 以及专家的关注.

  • 带勾号徽章

    Angeles has proven access to attractive managers where capacity, 大小, and short fundraising windows are traditionally obstacles in the following sub-asset classes:

    • o私募股权
    • o私人不动产
    • o直接股权共同投资
    • o私人信贷
  • 用项目符号和子点勾勒轮廓

    经验丰富的团队, leveraging deep knowledge of dynamic markets to identify and evaluate opportunities that fit best within a global portfolio.

  • 用放大镜看图表和数据的文件

    强大的操作能力,完成所有启动, 文档, and underlying paperwork as well as full monitoring and consolidated reporting.


The ability to outperform over time is extraordinarily difficult; long term success requires skill, innovation and discipline through a framework that supports repeatability.


Angeles GIPS® Composites (after fees) Since Inception (March 2002 - March 2024) Rolling Quarterly Annualized 5-Year Returns vs. 同期基准回报率


The above chart is derived from the Angeles GIPS® performance composites which contain important information titled "GIPS® Composite Disclosures" that should be read in conjunction with this chart. These disclosures include the composition of the benchmark returns used each year. The Angeles returns are net of all fees, including the Angeles management fee. 过去的表现不代表未来的结果. The supplemental reports and disclosures supporting this chart are available upon request.



  • 安吉利斯是使命型投资领域的思想领袖. We have been helping our clients incorporate their mission-related goals into their investment portfolios for over 20 years. We partner with our clients to invest in market-rate investment strategies that are values-aligned while fully managed for risk.

  • 在yabo亚博网站登录首页, 考虑包括环境在内的可持续因素, 社会, and governance factors are fully integrated into our manager due diligence process across all asset classes.

  • By being proactive with managers on their sustainability practices, we believe we are a catalyst for positive change in the industry.


  • B公司标志

    认证B Corp™

    In 2023, Angeles获得了B Lab™的B Corp™认证, a nonprofit network focused on transforming the global economy to benefit all people, 社区, 这个星球. This certification is awarded to companies that demonstrate high 社会 and environmental performance, change their corporate governance structure to be accountable to all stakeholders (not just shareholders), and exhibit transparency by allowing information about their sustainability performance to be publicly available on B Lab's website.

  • PRI签署标志


    Angeles is a signatory to the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). The PRI is the world's leading proponent of responsible investment. 作为PRI的签署人, Angeles is committed to adopting and implementing the six Principles for Responsible Investment.

  • Terrapass标志


    Angeles Investments partnered with Terrapass to offset the carbon produced through our air travel. Terrapass does this by investing our contribution in a variety of projects across the US, 包括清洁水和可再生能源, 比如风, 堆填气体(垃圾), 和生物燃料.

  • 合流慈善标志


    Angeles被选中加入融合慈善事业, a 纽约 and Oakland-based organization that promotes mission-aligned investing.